piątek, 30 sierpnia 2013

On measuring productivity


  • Measuring productivity is easy: first define what results you want, then ask if you achieved those results. If you did, you're productive. Otherwise you're not productive.
  • If you achieve results, then look at how much slack you had, and consider having tighter requirements for the next round.
  • Of course, this requires judgement and intelligence, and you can't replace a manager with a formula in a spreadsheet.

sobota, 17 sierpnia 2013

Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs (by Matthias Ettrich)

Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs
by Matthias Ettrich
We have done substantial research at Trolltech into improving the Qt development experience. In this article, I want to share some of our findings and present the principles we've been using when designing Qt 4, and show you how to apply them to your code.
Designing application programmer interfaces, APIs, is hard. It is an art as difficult as designing programming languages. There are many different principles to choose from, many of which tend to contradict each other.
Computer science education today puts a lot of emphasis on algorithms and data structures, with less focus on the principles behind designing programming languages and frameworks. This leaves application programmers unprepared for an increasingly important task: the creation of reusable components.
Before the rise of object-oriented languages, reusable generic code was mostly written by library vendors rather than by application developers. In the Qt world, this situation has changed significantly. Programming with Qt is writing new components all the time. A typical Qt application has at least some customized components that are reused throughout the application. Often the same components are deployed as part of other applications. KDE, the K Desktop Environment, goes even further and extends Qt with many add-on libraries that implement hundreds of additional classes.
But what constitutes a good, efficient C++ API? What is good or bad depends on many factors -- for example, the task at hand and the specific target group. A good API has a number of features, some of which are generally desirable, and some of which are more specific to certain problem domains.
Six Characteristics of Good APIs
An API is to the programmer what a GUI is to the end-user. The 'P' in API stands for "Programmer", not "Program", to highlight the fact that APIs are used by programmers, who are humans.
We believe APIs should be minimal and complete, have clear and simple semantics, be intuitive, be easy to memorize, and lead to readable code.
  • Be minimal: A minimal API is one that has as few public members per class and as few classes as possible. This makes it easier to understand, remember, debug, and change the API.
  • Be complete: A complete API means the expected functionality should be there. This can conflict with keeping it minimal. Also, if a member function is in the wrong class, many potential users of the function won't find it.
  • Have clear and simple semantics: As with other design work, you should apply the principle of least surprise. Make common tasks easy. Rare tasks should be possible but not the focus. Solve the specific problem; don't make the solution overly general when this is not needed. (For example, QMimeSourceFactory in Qt 3 could have been called QImageLoader and have a different API.)
  • Be intuitive: As with anything else on a computer, an API should be intuitive. Different experience and background leads to different perceptions on what is intuitive and what isn't. An API is intuitive if a semi-experienced user gets away without reading the documentation, and if a programmer who doesn't know the API can understand code written using it.
  • Be easy to memorize: To make the API easy to remember, choose a consistent and precise naming convention. Use recognizable patterns and concepts, and avoid abbreviations.
  • Lead to readable code: Code is written once, but read (and debugged and changed) many times. Readable code may sometimes take longer to write, but saves time throughout the product's life cycle.
Finally, keep in mind that different kinds of users will use different parts of the API. While simply using an instance of a Qt class should be intuitive, it's reasonable to expect the user to read the documentation before attempting to subclass it.
The Convenience Trap
It is a common misconception that the less code you need to achieve something, the better the API. Keep in mind that code is written more than once but has to be understood over and over again. For example,

    QSlider *slider = new QSlider(12, 18, 3, 13, Qt::Vertical,
                                  0, "volume");
is much harder to read (and even to write) than
    QSlider *slider = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical);
    slider->setRange(12, 18);
The Boolean Parameter Trap
Boolean parameters often lead to unreadable code. In particular, it's almost invariably a mistake to add a bool parameter to an existing function. In Qt, the traditional example is repaint(), which takes an optional bool parameter specifying whether the background should be erased (the default) or not. This leads to code such as

which beginners might read as meaning, "Don't repaint!"
The thinking is apparently that the bool parameter saves one function, thus helping reducing the bloat. In truth, it adds bloat; how many Qt users know by heart what each of the next three lines does?
A somewhat better API might have been
In Qt 4, we solved the problem by simply removing the possibility of repainting without erasing the widget. Qt 4's native support for double buffering made this feature obsolete.
Here come a few more examples:

                          QSizePolicy::Expanding, true);
    textEdit->insert("Where's Waldo?", true, true, false);
    QRegExp rx("moc_*.c??", false, true);
An obvious solution is to replace the bool parameters with enum types. This is what we've done in Qt 4 with case sensitivity in QString. Compare:
    str.replace("%USER%", user, false);               // Qt 3
    str.replace("%USER%", user, Qt::CaseInsensitive); // Qt 4
Static Polymorphism
Similar classes should have a similar API. This can be done using inheritance where it makes sense -- that is, when run-time polymorphism is used. But polymorphism also happens at design time. For example, if you exchange a QListBox with a QComboBox, or a QSlider with a QSpinBox, you'll find that the similarity of APIs makes this replacement very easy. This is what we call "static polymorphism".
Static polymorphism also makes it easier to memorize APIs and programming patterns. As a consequence, a similar API for a set of related classes is sometimes better than perfect individual APIs for each class.
The Art of Naming
Naming is probably the single most important issue when designing an API. What should the classes be called? What should the member functions be called?
General Naming Rules
A few rules apply equally well to all kinds of names. First, as I mentioned earlier, do not abbreviate. Even obvious abbreviations such as "prev" for "previous" don't pay off in the long run, because the user must remember which words are abbreviated.
Things naturally get worse if the API itself is inconsistent; for example, Qt 3 has activatePreviousWindow() and fetchPrev(). Sticking to the "no abbreviation" rule makes it simpler to create consistent APIs.
Another important but more subtle rule when designing classes is that you should try to keep the namespace for subclasses clean. In Qt 3, this principle wasn't always followed. To illustrate this, we will take the example of a QToolButton. If you call name(), caption(), text(), or textLabel() on a QToolButton in Qt 3, what do you expect? Just try playing around with a QToolButton in Qt Designer:
  • The name property is inherited from QObject and refers to an internal object name that can be used for debugging and testing.
  • The caption property is inherited from QWidget and refers to the window title, which has virtually no meaning for QToolButtons, since they usually are created with a parent.
  • The text property is inherited from QButton and is normally used on the button, unless useTextLabel is true.
  • The textLabel property is declared in QToolButton and is shown on the button if useTextLabel is true.
In the interest of readability, name is called objectName in Qt 4, caption has become windowTitle, and there is no longer any textLabel property distinct from text in QToolButton.
Naming Classes
Identify groups of classes instead of finding the perfect name for each individual class. For example, All the Qt 4 model-aware item view classes are suffixed with View (QListView, QTableView, and QTreeView), and the corresponding item-based classes are suffixed with Widget instead (QListWidget, QTableWidget, and QTreeWidget).
Naming Enum Types and Values
When declaring enums, we must keep in mind that in C++ (unlike in Java or C#), the enum values are used without the type. The following example shows illustrates the dangers of giving too general names to the enum values:
    namespace Qt
        enum Corner { TopLeft, BottomRight, ... };
        enum CaseSensitivity { Insensitive, Sensitive };
    tabWidget->setCornerWidget(widget, Qt::TopLeft);
    str.indexOf("$(QTDIR)", Qt::Insensitive);
In the last line, what does Insensitive mean? One guideline for naming enum types is to repeat at least one element of the enum type name in each of the enum values:
    namespace Qt
        enum Corner { TopLeftCorner, BottomRightCorner, ... };
        enum CaseSensitivity { CaseInsensitive,
                               CaseSensitive };
    tabWidget->setCornerWidget(widget, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
    str.indexOf("$(QTDIR)", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
When enumerator values can be OR'd together and be used as flags, the traditional solution is to store the result of the OR in an int, which isn't type-safe. Qt 4 offers a template class QFlags<T>, where T is the enum type. For convenience, Qt provides typedefs for the flag type names, so you can type Qt::Alignment instead of QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>.
By convention, we give the enum type a singular name (since it can only hold one flag at a time) and the "flags" type a plural name. For example:
    enum RectangleEdge { LeftEdge, RightEdge, ... };
    typedef QFlags<RectangleEdge> RectangleEdges;
In some cases, the "flags" type has a singular name. In that case, the enum type is suffixed with Flag:
    enum AlignmentFlag { AlignLeft, AlignTop, ... };
    typedef QFlags<AlignmentFlag> Alignment;
Naming Functions and Parameters
The number one rule of function naming is that it should be clear from the name whether the function has side-effects or not. In Qt 3, the const function QString::simplifyWhiteSpace() violated this rule, since it returned a QString instead of modifying the string on which it is called, as the name suggests. In Qt 4, the function has been renamed QString::simplified().
Parameter names are an important source of information to the programmer, even though they don't show up in the code that uses the API. Since modern IDEs show them while the programmer is writing code, it's worthwhile to give decent names to parameters in the header files and to use the same names in the documentation.
Naming Boolean Getters, Setters, and Properties
Finding good names for the getter and setter of a bool property is always a special pain. Should the getter be called checked() or isChecked()? scrollBarsEnabled() or areScrollBarEnabled()?
In Qt 4, we used the following guidelines for naming the getter function:
  • Adjectives are prefixed with is-. Examples:
    • isChecked()
    • isDown()
    • isEmpty()
    • isMovingEnabled()
    However, adjectives applying to a plural noun have no prefix:
    • scrollBarsEnabled(), not areScrollBarsEnabled()
  • Verbs have no prefix and don't use the third person (-s):
    • acceptDrops(), not acceptsDrops()
    • allColumnsShowFocus()
  • Nouns generally have no prefix:
    • autoCompletion(), not isAutoCompletion()
    • boundaryChecking()
    Sometimes, having no prefix is misleading, in which case we prefix with is-:
    • isOpenGLAvailable(), not openGL()
    • isDialog(), not dialog()
    (From a function called dialog(), we would normally expect that it returns a QDialog *.)
The name of the setter is derived from that of the getter by removing any is prefix and putting a set at the front of the name; for example, setDown() and setScrollBarsEnabled(). The name of the property is the same as the getter, but without the is prefix.
Pointers or References?
Which is best for out-parameters, pointers or references?

    void getHsv(int *h, int *s, int *v) const
    void getHsv(int &h, int &s, int &v) const
Most C++ books recommend references whenever possible, according to the general perception that references are "safer and nicer" than pointers. In contrast, at Trolltech, we tend to prefer pointers because they make the user code more readable. Compare:
    color.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
    color.getHsv(h, s, v);
Only the first line makes it clear that there's a high probability that h, s, and v will be modified by the function call.
Case Study: QProgressBar
To show some of these concepts in practice, we'll study the QProgressBar API of Qt 3 and compare it to the Qt 4 API. In Qt 3:
    class QProgressBar : public QWidget
        int totalSteps() const;
        int progress() const;
        const QString &progressString() const;
        bool percentageVisible() const;
        void setPercentageVisible(bool);
        void setCenterIndicator(bool on);
        bool centerIndicator() const;
        void setIndicatorFollowsStyle(bool);
        bool indicatorFollowsStyle() const;
    public slots:
        void reset();
        virtual void setTotalSteps(int totalSteps);
        virtual void setProgress(int progress);
        void setProgress(int progress, int totalSteps);
        virtual bool setIndicator(QString &progressStr,
                                  int progress,
                                  int totalSteps);
The API is quite complex and inconsistent; for example, it's not clear from the naming that reset(), setTotalSteps(), and setProgress() are tightly related.
The key to improve the API is to notice that QProgressBar is similar to Qt 4's QAbstractSpinBox class and its subclasses, QSpinBox, QSlider and QDial. The solution? Replace progress and totalSteps with minimum, maximum and value. Add a valueChanged() signal. Add a setRange() convenience function.
The next observation is that progressString, percentage and indicator really refer to one thing: the text that is shown on the progress bar. Usually the text is a percentage, but it can be set to anything using the setIndicator() function. Here's the new API:
    virtual QString text() const;
    void setTextVisible(bool visible);
    bool isTextVisible() const;
By default, the text is a percentage indicator. This can be changed by reimplementing text().
The setCenterIndicator() and setIndicatorFollowsStyle() functions in the Qt 3 API are two functions that influence alignment. They can advantageously be replaced by one function, setAlignment():
    void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment);
If the programmer doesn't call setAlignment(), the alignment is chosen based on the style. For Motif-based styles, the text is shown centered; for other styles, it is shown on the right hand side.
Here's the improved QProgressBar API:
    class QProgressBar : public QWidget
        void setMinimum(int minimum);
        int minimum() const;
        void setMaximum(int maximum);
        int maximum() const;
        void setRange(int minimum, int maximum);
        int value() const;
        virtual QString text() const;
        void setTextVisible(bool visible);
        bool isTextVisible() const;
        Qt::Alignment alignment() const;
        void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment);
    public slots:
        void reset();
        void setValue(int value);
        void valueChanged(int value);
How to Get APIs Right
APIs need quality assurance. The first revision is never right; you must test it. Make use cases by looking at code which uses this API and verify that the code is readable.
Other tricks include having somebody else use the API with or without documentation and documenting the class (both the class overview and the individual functions).
Documenting is also a good way of finding good names when you get stuck: just try to document the item (class, function, enum value, etc.) and use your first sentence as inspiration. If you cannot find a precise name, this is often a sign that the item shouldn't exist. If everything else fails and you are convinced that the concept makes sense, invent a new name. This is, after all, how "widget", "event", "focus", and "buddy" came to be.

This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 license.

Copyright © 2005 Trolltech

piątek, 2 sierpnia 2013

Programming tech talks

  1. John Carmack's QuakeCon 2011 Keynote 

  2. John Carmack's QuakeCon 2012 Keynote

  3. John Carmack's QuakeCon 2013 Keynote

    • functional programming
    • strong static type check
    • http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Editorial/John-Carmack-Keynote-Quakecon-2013
  4. GoingNative 2012

  5. GoingNative 2013

    1. Bjarne Stroustrup - The Essence of C++: With Examples in C++84, C++98, C++11, and C++14

    2. C++ Seasoning. (by Sean Parent)

      No Raw Loops
      • Difficult to reason about and difficult to prove post conditions
      • Error prone and likely to fail under non-obvious conditions
      • Introduce non-obvious performance problems
      • Complicates reasoning about the surrounding cod

      Alternatives to Raw Loops
      • Use an existing algorithm
      • Prefer standard algorithms if available
      No Raw Synchronization Primitives
      • You Will Likely Get It Wrong
      • They don't scale (Amdahl’s Law)
      No Raw Pointers
      • Prefer value semantic to reference semantic
    3. Writing Quick Code in C++, Quickly (by Andrei Alexandrescu)

      • Ignores aspects of a complex reality
      • Makes narrow/obsolete/wrong assumptions
      • “Fewer instructions = faster code”
      • “Data is faster than computation”
      • “Computation is faster than data”
      • The only good intuition: “I should time this.”

      Measuring gives you a leg up on experts who don’t need to measure

      Data Layout

      • Generally: small is fast
      • First cache line of an object is where it’s at
      • Sort member variables by hotness, descending
      Prefer zero to all other constants

      Returning containers by value worse than appending

    4. Don’t Help the Compiler (by Stephan T. Lavavej)

      Don't return by const value
      • Inhibits move semantics, doesn't achieve anything useful
      Don't move() when returning local X by value X

      • The NRVO and move semantics are designed to work together
      • NRVO applicable - direct construction is optimal
      • NRVO inapplicable - move semantics is efficient
      Don't return by rvalue reference
      • For experts only, extremely rare
      • Even the Standardization Committee got burned
      • Valid examples: forward, move, declval, get(tuple&&)
      Rely on template argument deduction
      • You control its inputs - the function arguments
      • Change their types/value categories to affect the output
      Avoid explicit template arguments, unless required
      • Required: forward<T>(t), make_shared<T>(a, b, c)
      • Wrong: make_shared<T, A, B, C>(a, b, c)
    5. Keynote: Herb Sutter - One C++
    6. An Effective C++11/14 Sampler (by Scott Meyers)

      Understand std::move and std::forward
      • std::move doesn't move
      • std::forward doesn't orward
      • neither generates code
      • they are simply casts
      • std::move unconditionally casts to rvalue (rvalue_cast)
      • std::forward conditionally casts to rvalue
      Declare functions noexcept whenever possible
      • fun() noexcept - more optimisation possibilities
      • fun() throw() - fewer optimisation possibilities
      • fun() - fewer optimisation possibilities
      • Some code may replace copying only with non-throwing moves
      • noexcept is part of function interface and client may depend on it. Don't use it only because current implementation allows it
      • noexcept is an operator, a bool value evaluated during compilation. Allows conditionally noexcept functions.
    7. The Care and Feeding of C++’s Dragons (by Chandler Carruth)

      • "You can solve every problem with another level of indirection, except for the problem of too many levels of indirection"
      • Complexity: the source and the solution to all programming problems
      • The cost of complexity is exponential.
      • Clever is not a Compliment!
      LLVM Sanitizers:
      • Compiler instrumentation dynamic analysis
      • Address Sanitizer, Thread Sanitizer, Memory Sanitizer, Undefined Behavior Sanitizer
      • Based on shadow memory, can’t be combined
      • Dynamic analysis onlyworks if you test your code!
    8. rand() Considered Harmful (by Stephan T. Lavavej)

      Uniform Random Number Generators
      • random_device
      • mt19937

      • uniform_int_distribution
    9. Inheritance Is The Base Class of Evil (by Sean Parent)

      Hide polymorphic inheritance from user of your API
      • There are no polymorphic types, only a polymorphic use of similar types
      • More flexible, Non-intrusive design doesn’t require class wrappers
      • More efficient,  Polymorphism is only paid for when needed
      • Less error prone,  Client doesn’t do any heap allocation, worry about object ownership or lifetimes
      • Exception and thread safe
  6. Exception-Safe Coding in C++ (Jon Kalb, Part 1, Part 2)

  7. The Problem with Time & Timezones - Computerphile

    • Leap second
    • Unix time
    • UTC
    • Astronomic time
  8. Linus Torvalds on git

  9. Unicode in C++ by James McNellis

    • UTF8, UTF-16, UTF-32
    • dynamic composition (Multiple representation)
      A(U+0041) + Umlaut(U+0308)=Ä
    • code unit vs. code point
    • What is length ? (Number of bytes, number of code units, number of code points)
    • Four normalisation forms
      NFC: Canonical Composed
      NFD: Canonical Decomposed
      NFKC: Compatibility Composed
      NFKD: Compatibility Decomposed
  10. Scott Meyers: Better Software — No Matter What

    1. 2\5
      • Inconsistency
    2. 3\5
      • Static analyse
      • Code review
      • Keyhole problem (on arbitrary restrictions - fixed size windows,fixed size hard coded in software)
    3. 4\5
    4. 5\5
      • Retrospectives !
  11. Plain threads are the 'GOTO' of today's computing (by  Hartmut Kaiser) Slides

    • Amdahl’s Law (Strong Scaling)
    • HPX - A General Purpose Runtime System for Applications of Any Scale
  12. CppCon 2014: The Philosophy of Google's C++ Code by Titus Winters

    • Optimize for reader not for the writer
    • Value the standard, but not idolize it
    • Be consistent
    • Avoid constructs that are dangerous or surprising
    • Avoid tricky and hard to maintain constructs
    • Don't use non-const references
    • Don't use exceptions
  13. Goals for Better Code - Implement Complete Types by Sean Parent

    • Regular type
    • Sometimes the most efficient basis operations are unsafe (violating class invariants)
  • The Silver Bullet Syndrome by Hadi Harir

    • There is no silver bullet (CORBA, COM, DCOM, WCF, node.js, J2EE, microservices, NoSQL)
    • Don't do "hype oriented programming)
    • Consider technology stability
    • Consider if it's proven technology
    • x86 mov is turing complete
    • MoVfuscator - compiler which compiles BrainFuck into mov only x86 assembly. Combined with compiler that compiles Basic into BF it gives Basic to movs compiler!
    • MoVfuscator2.0 - c compiler !!
    • x86 mov is turing complete
    • MoVfuscator - compiler which compiles BrainFuck into mov only x86 assembly. Combined with compiler that compiles Basic into BF it gives Basic to movs compiler!
    • MoVfuscator2.0 - c compiler !!

14. code::dive 2016 conference

15. cppCon 2016 conference

16. Rich Hickey

    • prefer simple over easy
    • data,values, functions are simple
    • declarative data manipulations
    • queues
    • transactions
    • avaoid incidental complexity (abything which is not required by the user0
    • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • Spec-ulatiion  by Rich Hickey
    • on how to manage software dependencies
    • SemVer 2 is broken - Minor and Patch components are irrelevant. Major component change is basically a library name change
    • Better would be to use time based versioning instead of SemVer2 

17 Pushing C# to the limit - Joe Albahari

  • very fast in-memory inter-process pipes
  • simple yet powerful remoting (10x faster that .net remoting)

18 7 Habits for Success (as explained by the ex-google tech lead)

  • Take Ownership - stop blaming other people, stop blaming you your boss, your teammates, your family or friends. If the project fails even if you did your part perfectly, it is also your failure. It is your responsibility, to make project to succeed. 
  • Accept Failure - do not pretend to be better than anyone else - you are not a superhuman - everyone make mistakes
  • What you do at 8pm matters - what do you do in your free time defines your future. If you watch TV you will be watching TV, if you learn new things you will likely use that knowledge.
  • Success is a lonely road, while failure is a crowded highway
  • The last 10% is the hardest. Finish it - when project is not finished it will not have any impact
  • Know why you want it - internal motivation is a key to be successful
  • Continuously learn 

C++ programming style

  1. No naked pointers

    • Keep them inside functions and classes
    • Keep arrays out of interfaces (prefer containers)
    • Pointers are implementation-level artifacts
    • A pointer in a function should not represent ownership
    • Always consider std::unique_ptr and sometimes std::shared_ptr
  2. No naked new or delete

    • They belong in implementations and as arguments to resource handles
  3. Return objects “by-value” (using move rather than copy)

    • Don’t fiddle with pointer, references, or reference arguments for
